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Human Rights Law Practice

"All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." (John Locke)

Human Rights Law Practice




The Law Practice guarantees professional service striving for excellence, integrity, honesty, professional accountability and trust. The primary goal is to meet the clients' expectations for the reinstatement of the rights violated. The next scope is promotion of human rights and all the same prevention of their future violation. The Law Practice cares about your future, you just think of the present.


Attorney at law

Mrs. Blerina Bulica

Legal Consultant with a Master of Law degree in the program "International Law, Justice, Crime and Human Rights" at the University of Birmingham. Human Rights Lawyer with accumulated experience in representing the Government at the European Court of Human Rights (2000-2014). National consultant with demonstrated historic of work in the international affairs industry. Other skills in the field of European law, international relations and the European Union.

The Glory of a good lawyer is to win a bad trial.

( David Reddell)

Value 01.


Our service focuses on details because we believe that the key to success and excellence is hidden in attention to details.

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